House of Honor

A digital abode honoring recipients of the World Leader for Peace and Security Award, World Leader in AIWS Award. Continuously updated, it serves as an inspiration for individuals to unite in shaping a better world in the Age of AI and Digital.

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World Leader for Peace and Security Award

The World Leader for Peace and Security Award has been bestowed upon notable leaders, encompassing political and spiritual figures, who have demonstrated an unwavering commitment to the advancement of peace, security, and cybersecurity.

The World Leaders in AIWS Award

The World Leader in AIWS Award pays tribute to individuals who have demonstrated remarkable dedication to the ethical advancement and implementation of AI on a global scale, serving as a compelling example of the positive impact that effective leadership can have in the dynamic landscape of AI.

Global Enlightenment Leaders

The Global Enlightenment Leaders are 25 distinguished members of the Global Enlightenment Community, comprising leaders, scholars, and practitioners from diverse disciplines, bounding together by a common mission to work towards a future where responsible and inclusive technological progress thrives.